Install WordPress on localhost

For example, we used WAMP as a WordPress running platform. So, starting from the fact that WAMP is already installed, we will copy the archive containing the WordPress folder to the www directory in the wamp (for 32 bit) or wamp64 (for 64 bit) folder.

  1. Before proceeding with the installation of WordPress, the necessary database is created (I called it wp), accessing phpMyAdmin
  2. Then, having started the WAMP services, we locate the folder in the browser:
    By default, the first page will contain an invitation to choose the language in which you want to run.

  1. The next page gives us information about the installation procedure, so the only thing we can do after reading is pressing the button (Let’s go).
  2. For the next step, we will need to establish the details of the previously created database connection. Thus, we will be able to pass the following data (we will exemplify our own settings):
    • Database Name: wp,
    • Username: root,
    • Parola: do not write anything unless you configure different access phpMyAdmin.
    • Database Host: localhost,
    • Table Prefix: wp_.

  1. If everything is OK, we will receive a message on an intermediate page, then we start the actual installation by pressing the single button (Run the installation).
  2. The information required for configuration is what will allow access to the Dashboard (we will also exemplify with personal details):
    • Site Title: TIC
    • Username: ovi
    • Password: ********************
    • Your Email:
    • Search engine visibility: it is not important if it’s checked or not, when it is Localhost.

  1. Pressing the button (Install WordPress) will make, if all goes well, the feedback page that, in addition to the login data (username and password – hidden, of course) and gives us the opportunity to log in by pressing the button (Log in).

Aşadar, simplu şi uşor.

Author: Ovidiu.S

I am quite passionate about this professional area as if I know something - no matter how little - I want to share it with others.

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