MySQL function to replace STANDARD with LEGACY characters

Although the Romanian fonts are the ones that can be inserted using the Romanian language, the STANDARD version, the ones compatible with all kinds of applications/platforms (including MySQL) are the LEGACY ones. The sensitivity is at s and ts.

A small function, adjustable of course, is displayed below.

DETERMINISTIC functions always return the same result each time they are called with a specific set of input values.
NONDETERMINISTIC functions can return different results each time they are called with a specific set of input values.
For example, according to Microsoft the AVG function always returns the same result, but the GETDATE function, which returns the current DateTime value, always returns a different result.
If this attribute is missing, then it will be considered NONDETERMINISTIC


Author: Ovidiu.S

I am quite passionate about this professional area as if I know something - no matter how little - I want to share it with others.

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