Web Design
Password reset form
One of the simplest methods is where the user is in our database with an email. In order…
Active menu highlighted
If you want to highlight the active menu, it can be done in a relatively simple way, by…
Display filter results in the same page, without a button
To display the content as a result of a selection from a combobox, but without using a Submit…
Install WordPress on localhost
For example, we used WAMP as a WordPress running platform. So, starting from the fact that WAMP is…
Shortcode for embedding PDFs
If you want to view, directly from a post (article, page), the content of a PDF file without…
CSS Tabs
To use tabs as a tool for elegant information sharing, we can use predefined plugins or we can…
Clearing the cache
Because of cache (temporary memory) may see the old version of a page or article on a site…
Search in a CSV file, via PHP
As I mentioned in the previous article, sometimes it can be useful to connect to a CSV file,…
Online display of values in a CSV file
Assuming that it is necessary to access information that is contained in a CSV file, the easiest way…
Integration of external pages in WordPress site
It is possible at some point to use certain pages made outside of WordPress, but on the same…