Posted in PHP Projects

Password reset form

One of the simplest methods is where the user is in our database with an email. In order…

Posted in PHP

Active menu highlighted

If you want to highlight the active menu, it can be done in a relatively simple way, by…

Posted in PHP SQL

Display filter results in the same page, without a button

To display the content as a result of a selection from a combobox, but without using a Submit…

Posted in PHP

Search in a CSV file, via PHP

As I mentioned in the previous article, sometimes it can be useful to connect to a CSV file,…

Posted in PHP

Online display of values in a CSV file

Assuming that it is necessary to access information that is contained in a CSV file, the easiest way…

Posted in PHP

Simple form for uploading files

One of the easiest ways to upload a file via a PHP interface would be to use two…

Posted in PHP SQL

Dynamic combobox

Let’s suppose we want to filter using data from a combo box (“Option” item). To use real-time date,…
