Posted in Microsoft Office MS Word

Conditional formatting using Mail Merge

The combination of a table/list/database and the Word document seems super useful to me: to be able to…

Posted in CSS Web Design

Paragraph Indentation

In MS Word or other word processors it is easy to make the indentation (written with first line…

Posted in CSS HTML JavaScript Web Design

Example of using a pop-up window

Sometimes we may need to open a pop-up window when we press a link / button. For example,…

Posted in CSS WordPress

Unwrapped row

Although, in the picture above there are two images (each image is inserted into the div with a…

Posted in WordPress

Custom template for posts

In the active WordPress theme folder (desired, child-theme), you can create a file – for example, template-without-sidebar.php, in…

Posted in MS Excel

Calculation of work experience, using the DATEDIF function

If an employee record is required, Excel can be used for automatic calculation using the DATEDIF function. Obs:…

Posted in MS Access VBA

Retrieving in a textbox, via VBA, a value calculated by an aggregate function

If it is necessary to display the result of a query that uses certain functions (SUM, AVERAGE, MIN,…

Posted in Microsoft Office MS Excel

Conditional Formatting Depending on the Condition of a Column

Conditional formatting adds in the analysis of data from a spreadsheet. To apply a conditional formatting rule on…

Posted in CSS Projects Web Design


On sites that contain text that requires references (with the help of footnotes), CSS can be useful, by…
