The alternative to Logout, by locking the Windows screen

Sometimes is useful to lock the screen, if you leave the computer (the main reason may be related to the confidentiality of the access or, simply, if the cat crosses the keyboard, so that it does not “write” something unwanted). A useful option is to sign out from StartMenu. The fastest method is the WinKey+L key combination.

This last option is done without closing the applications open at that moment, which can be a considerable disadvantage, sometimes. A problem can be when accessing the computer remotely, as not all key combinations made locally can also be made remotely. In this case, we can lock the screen, access the Task Manager -> click on the Users tab and right click on the user’s name and choose the Disconnect option, confirming in the window that opens.

If this operation is used often, it would be more convenient to create a shortcut on the screen, like this:

  • right click on Desktop: New -> Shortcut
  • enter the following code in the window that opens:
    C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
  • after pressing the Next option, insert a name and press Finish.
  • once the shortcut is created, you can right-click on it and select a specific icon.


Author: Ovidiu.S

I am quite passionate about this professional area as if I know something - no matter how little - I want to share it with others.

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